1. 新增MTG-I1卫星数据,用于绘制ROI(1KM分辨率可见光、彩色合成云图以及2KM分辨率红外云图)、Floater(500M分辨率可见光以及1KM分辨率彩色合成云图、红外云图)及2KM分辨率红外全圆盘云图;
2. 由于GOES接收站基础设施故障,导致AWS无法正常更新数据,故更换数据源(详细信息在PS处);
3. 对服务器系统进行了更新维护,优化了部分图像绘制程序;
4. 更换了网页中部分已经失效的链接。
*PS: 以下是GOES数据暂时停止更新的解释(来源:https://registry.opendata.aws/noaa-goes/):
DATA FEED ISSUES - Due to major damage to critical infrastructure in the Asheville, NC area from Hurricane Helene, our GOES data feeds to the cloud have been impacted. We are working with local authorities and service providers in hopes that we can restore these feeds ASAP. Note that major celluar and network (fiber) infrastructure have been damaged and this may take time to adress. Thank you for your continued support.