e (Eccentricity) : 1.0000100
q (Perihelion distance) : 0.0935400
i (Inclination) : 116.84670
Ω (Longitude of ascending node) : 220.33760
ω (Argument of perihelion) : 108.12250
L (Longitude of perihelion) : 274.40617
B (Latitude of perihelion) : 57.99030
T (Time of perihelion passage) : 2460688.92830
Epoch : 2025 Jan 11
Reference : MPEC 2025-A40
Classification(s): : Nearly isotropic; New (a > 10000 AU); Sunskirter
"I drove 300 km to find a a place with clear skies," says Horálek. "By the time I parked at 1 pm, the sun and the comet were high over the horizon. I hid my camera, its mount, and myself in the shadow of my car so the sun was not shining into the optics. Then I took 72 single short exposures, which I stacked into one image and processed. Voilà--the comet popped out!"